715 W. Mariposa Street Phoenix, AZ 85013
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
Phone: 602-274-7318 | Fax: 602-288-4118
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The Silent Feminist Activist: Florence Crittenton
Florence Crittenton is located in Phoenix, Arizona and is open to all types of adolescent girls. The organization does not discriminate or racially profile people; it gives the clients an opportunity to learn the life skills they need. Florence Crittenton works towards social change everyday through education and development of the clients. The organization helps empower clients so they can mentally heal and work through their pasts, which allows them to educate themselves and become strong women in their community. With the help of therapists and different types of therapy sessions the clients receive excellent counseling. Counseling helps the clients build positive and healthy relationships in their lives. In concern to this course, Florence Crittenton exhibits feminist work through the empowerment of young women. In the article “Sexual and Physical Abuse Among Adolescent Girls with Disruptive Behavior Problems” they say, “The higher rate of abuse for girls is particularly true for sexual abuse which occurs for females at a rate about 3 times that for males (Gorey & Leslie, 1997 quoted in Stephanie M. Green et all. Pg. 152). With the odds stacked against them, adolescent girls need special treatment to over come whatever abuse they endured in the past. Odds against the clients include economics, class, age and race. In a larger sense, Florence Crittenton helps knock down these odds with the support and service they provide the clients. Florence Crittenton, as we said before, only offers services to adolescent girls. Being an adolescent girl can be difficult on its own without the factors of substance abuse, physical/sexual abuse, and neglect. These girls are going through many changes in their bodies as well as developmentally, which is why the organization specializes in this age group. The age group requires a certain level of attention and requires staff to pay attention to specific details about the clients. According to Patton et all, the authors argue that puberty can effect the use of substances. “Early maturers had higher levels of substance use because they entered the risk period at an earlier point than did late maturers” (George C. Patton et all. 2004). These findings ring true because there are clients that are 14 and one would assume they are 18 due to their maturity and their past history. Through programs and treatment plans the clients overcome their issues of substance abuse. In conclusion, we believe that this organization should be more knowledgeable to public because of the amazing work they do. This organization empowers young women in the community that need help and deserve help. The help they get allows them to blossom into young women that will be strong, educated, healthy, and passionate about life. Florence Crittenton creates hope for a bright future.
1. Green, Stephanie M., Mary F. Russo, Judith L. Navratil, and Rolf Loeber. "Journal of Child and Family Studies." Sexual and Physical Abuse Among Adolescent Girls with Disruptive Behavior Problems 8.2 (1999): 151-68. Www.springerlink.com. Web. 07 Nov. 2010. <http://www.springerlink.com/content/t236168755574n78/fulltext.pdf>.
2. Patton, George C., Barbara J. McMorris, John W. Toumbourou, Sheryl M. Hemphill, Susan Donath, and Richard F. Catalano. "Pediatrics." Pediatrics 114.3 (2004): 300-06. Http://pediatrics.aapublications.org. 01 Sept. 2004. Web. 07 Nov. 2010. <http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/114/3/e300>.
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